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  • Virtualness…


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    Times, they are a changin’…

    Once upon a time I would pack my suitcase, brave the scrutiny of the power drunk rent-a-cops hired by the TSA, and then jet all over the country (coach, of course) to do book signings, chats, and seminars.

    While I still do that to an extent, a combination of emerging technologies and bottoming out economies has made a radical change to how authors handle appearances. I am talking, of course, about virtual touring

    So, in a blind embrace of technology… Well… Not exactly blind… I do try to keep one eye open so I can try to catch E K sneaking up on me (not that it works, mind you)… Anyway, the point here is, I Skype™ (among other things, but we won’t go there right now…)

    So, if you:

    • Run a book club

    • Schedule library chats

    • Are looking for a guest blogger

    • Want to schedule a chat for a classroom full of creative writers

    • Need a motor-mouthed guest for a podcast

    • Are looking for any other Virtual Author Appearance sort of thing

    I’m available… In other words, just consider me a modern day Paladin – “Have WebCam and Headset, Will Chat…”

    Drop me a line and we’ll Skype™. (Just don’t tell E K)…

    More to come…


    • We have SKYPE – two reasons –
      (1) so I can work with covens far from me a &
      (2) so we can visit with Kendra while she’s in England.

      Somedays Skype – well it doesn’t work too well. BUT its good more often than not AND it really does allow you to travel minus that suitcase.

      Good luck on SKYPE Murv!!!


    • There are plenty of instant messenging clients and software besides Skype, too. Most of which are free. It’s amazing to realize we have had this technology of “video calling” for some time now, but so few utilize it to the extent it could be. We use it to help our family keep in contact. Actually, a prime example would be over Winter holidays, we used video chat for our Grandpa to talk to his brother across the country since neither one of them is healthy enough to travel anymore. It would be awesome to see this technology grow, if only more people would utilize it.

      Have fun!! ^_^

      • Yep! I’ve actually been using Skype, and a couple of others for a while now to do podcasts and such, but I’ve never really made it “public knowledge”… These days it seems a lot of “author chats” and “virtual seminars” are being done, but unless you advertise your availability for it you miss out on most of the gigs. I think my publicist is going to start pushing it more, so I figured I should toss it out there too. 🙂

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