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  • Census Schmensus…


    I can actually understand the reason for a census. It makes sense, it really does. Some of the questions that some of us will be asked, however, I do have problems with.

    But, that’s a different topic and one that I will deal with myself.

    Right now, I’m interested in the money.

    Now, since I know that a census is necessary, I know that the money has to be spent to take one. No biggie there. But, by the same token, I also know that we have a huge deficit, a president who is trying to pay for health care reform and a bailout (for which he is not ENTIRELY to blame), and we deal every day with a bastardized version of what our government really should be. However, my personal politics aren’t the issue here either… Hell, I’ve made no secret that I wrote my wife’s name in on the ballot during the last presidential election because I didn’t feel confident in any of the candidates.

    No… We’re just coming back to the money…

    So, although the CIA / NSA / HS data miners will probably add me to the terrorist watch lists for having the gall to post this blog, I have a question:

    How much did it cost taxpayers to send out this letter and was it REALLY necessary?

    Yeah, okay, that was two questions… But, come on folks. Between paper, envelopes, postage, printing, electricity, and everything that was necessary to accomplish this “pre-emptive warning of impending census” don’t you think maybe we could have paid for a few of those “snow days” or something like that?

    More to come…


    • Here, here! I more than agree. ^_^ Eh, i’ve been on the “list” for years. It would seem all you have to do to be included on the “list”, is publicly disagree with a politician. With things handled so well, probably 2/3 of the American population is included on the aforementioned list. Maybe they’ll through us a party one day and you have to be “on the list” to get in. ~_^ Hehe.

    • Personal politics aside… I wish I could say that anything that is currently going on (incuding the visit to St. Louis of our esteemed President) makes sense. But my personal politics seem similar to yours and why can’t they all just play nice, work together and take care of business?????

    • OMG, this is exactly what I said when I got the letter the other day! How on earth much did it cost to create and mail this thing to warn us IT is coming?! Ridiculous waste of money. We’ll leave my personal politics out of this entirely. 🙂

    • Okay, first, I agreed with you when I opened the letter, I really did. Then I thought about it. There are people who *really* need to be counted, because, for instance, urban schools and health care facilities are losing out money they need because their constituents are afraid to answer the census form. And those concerns need to be addressed. Now, maybe every household in america didn’t need to get that letter, I’ll agree with you there. But I think my chinese immigrant neighbors did, and how, before the census is taken, are they going to distinguish my household from them?

      College students, immigrants, first generation citizens, people who distrust the government – when they don’t fill out the forms, they are hurting their communities and themselves. The Census Bureau is trying to allay their fears, convince them that the forms should be filled out and returned. And I have to tell you that it is a cost benefit analysis – if this letter convinces 1000 people to return their form, that is 1000 fewer remailings of the forms, and perhaps 500 fewer personal visits that have to be made. The Census goes to extreme lengths to make sure that the count is good, and that everyone possible filled out their forms. Because it is important – too many services depend on that count – not to mention redistricting of House districts.
      I’m getting down off my soap box now… really.

      • Census Important – yes.

        ACS Important – Absolutely not. It’s intrusive.

        Letters telling folks they are going to get a letter necessary – Nope. Waste of my money.

        I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one. 🙂

    • at least you didn’t get a warning letter warning you about the warning letter ^_^

    • i finally got the chance to watch the latest episode of castle. not as many similarities between it and your books as i had hoped, but enough to make it interesting. then again, i kept getting caught up in the story and forgetting to look for similarities ^_^

      oh, and the red-headed dominatrix didn’t do it, but she WAS a suspect.

    • Umm, we were given a warning about this, on TV. LOL Of course I only listen to it when I’m over at my friend’s house, but still. It’s like, wtf. My friend got hers first and we all got a laugh out of it.

      still makes me wonder how many people are going to lie on it…

    • Hey Murv!
      I’m looking forward to seeing you and Dorothy next weekend in Killeen TX! Have you decided what your workshop will be about?????

      • Hey Autumn –

        Honestly, I’ve been so swamped with stuff here that I think I’m just flying by the seat of my pants. If y’all know of something in particular you’d like for me to babble about, drop me a line. Like most DJ’s, I do take requests! 🙂

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