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  • Danger Will Robinson, Danger!


    So, it’s no secret that this time of year is my writing time. Between January and July is when I toss words at the page as fast as I can, in order to meet manuscript deadlines and all that jazz…All you have to do is look at my tour schedule and see that it is blocked out and labeled as such. There was actually a time in my life when I used a Day Planner and knew where I was supposed to be and when. These days it’s a webpage and Outlook, and I  have no idea what’s going on. How times have changed…

    But I digress, as usual…

    Obviously, the “job” of tossing words at the page cuts into my “fun” of tossing words at the page, i.e. blogging time.

    Well… That is kind of what I am here to warn you about.

    By now, most of you should be well aware of the major move Brainpan Leakage made from Myspace to its current local WordPress platform. As I said in an earlier blog, I am pretty much having an illicit affair with this software because of its flexibility (different kind of flexible, kids… Minds up here out of the gutter please…)

    Since I am able to write offline blog entries pretty much anywhere now, import them into the software, then schedule them to appear at some point in the future… Well, let’s just say I’m kind of oogly all over because of that. Therefore, I am taking advantage of the feature in spades.

    Over the next days and weeks, you are going to be subjected to a blog “mini series”. Basically, a whole raft of consecutive blog entries entitled Mahwage, (yeah, Marriage but with the Princess Bride twist to it)… Each has its own subtitle that will hopefully make some manner of sense as you read along.

    Basically, this mini series is the tale of how I came to be married to my lovely bride of 21+ years. I will forego further explanation at this point, because the first entry goes into more detail as to the why’s and wherefore’s of this story being told.

    At any rate, it is my sincere hope that it will entertain you to some degree. I am more than willing to admit that not all of it is “laugh out loud” funny. Some of it is serious, some of it is sappy and sentimental.  Well, probably a lot of it is sappy and sentimental… But, yes, some of it is  definitely amusing… hopefully in not too much of a “had to be there” fashion if I have translated the events to the page correctly…

    I’ve endeavored to leave out the drudgery, and definitely the stuff too personal for public consumption at all.

    So, hopefully it will be worth the read…

    Hey, it worked for Nicholas Sparks, so why shouldn’t I give it a try? With my own particular style, and a good bit of humor, of course

    More to come…


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