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  • Sometimes A Cigar…


    …is just a cigar.

    Several years ago there was this great little sitcom called “Stark Raving Mad,” which starred Tony Shaloub (Wings, Monk) and Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, Dr. Horrible, How I Met Your Mother.)

    The short lived series centered on best-selling (fictional) horror author, Ian Stark. I could go on and on about it, because I absolutely loved the show. Unfortunately, it lasted only one season, and oddly enough was canceled somewhere around one month prior to my own first novel, Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation, showing up in bookstores.

    But, I’m not here to rant about stupid TV execs… Even though I’m known to do that from time to time. Firefly anyone? Drive anyone? But, I digress…

    Nope, not here to rant on TV guys.  I’m here to talk about something else (as usual). However, we know how my brain works and it just so happens a particular episode of “Stark Raving Mad” popped into my head as an illustration of my point…

    Episode 17 – THE GRADE: Quick synopsis – A regular character who is a friend of Ian’s, and who works at the bar on the ground floor below his apartment is going to night classes at the local college. She is working extra hours and in her lit class she needs to write an analysis of a book – as it happens, the book she has selected is one of Ian’s. Hilarity ensues, of course… However, the reason it ensues is that she is so busy she manages to talk Ian into writing the book report for her. Her professor, played by John Lithgow (another of my faves) gives her a B. Ian simply can’t stand it, since he wrote the report about a book he had written in the first place.  Upon Ian confronting the prof,  it is explained to him how “Maddie” (Ian’s friend) had completely missed the underlying meaning of the knife used in a murder. Ian tells the professor, “Sometimes a knife is just a knife.” What makes it funnier, however, is that even after the prof discovers that he is talking to Ian Stark himself, the author of the book as well as the paper, he continues to disagree (and if I recall correctly, even drops “Maddie” down to a C.)

    And that, my friends, is “what I’m talkin’ about”…

    Sometimes a knife is just a knife, a cigar just a cigar, and a redhead just a redhead – although I would prefer you not tell E K (or Felicity for that matter) that I made that last comment.

    My point is, I write novels. And believe me, I dearly love the fact that there are people out there who become emotionally invested in the stories. I think we’ve already established in a previous blog entry that I do as well.

    However (You saw that coming, correct?) based on some of the “fan mail” I receive I feel compelled to point out a few things…

    They are stories. Works of fiction. Not instructional manuals for your Wiccan coven.

    Just because you live on a street that has the same name as a street in one of my novels, that doesn’t mean I am writing about you. Really. Seriously. We’ve never even met, so how could I possibly be writing about you… Wait. Don’t answer that. I’m relatively certain I don’t want to know the convoluted logic…

    Just because you have red hair it doesn’t mean you are Felicity.

    You are not… I repeat NOT… the “reincarnation” of Rowan Gant. (Honestly, I don’t even begin to understand that one. He’s fictional, but even if we discount that fact, he’s not even dead.)

    I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Sometimes a cigar is just that… A cigar.

    And a novel, no matter how entertaining, is still a novel…

    More to come…


    • Oh, my. Coming out of the woodwork lately, hmmm? Sometimes I’d love to be your email pre-screener, just for laughs. Maybe for a week, though. Not sure I could take it for much longer than that!

    • Hey, if it comes to the bodyguard thing, I have experience, in college I worked for a security company and was Mr. T’s bodyguard during the “Rocky III” publicity tour. ( Yeah, he thought it was pretty funny too, real nice guy out of character btw)

    • Dave, I’ve heard stories that Mr. T is absolutely awesome in person; nicest guy you’ll ever meet.

      Richard Hatch, however…. 😉

    • Oh sure, bring up my stalker period. Just like you. I was troubled, okay? 😉

    • Hatch came in to the HI at Archon for NASFIC and walked right up to Video HQ and demanded a porter to carry his luggae. I was polite and took him over to Con HQ where, I assume, they got him what he needed. Funniest thing was that he actually introduced himself, as if to make a point that he was a “celebrity”. I had a laugh.

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