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  • You’ll Never Take Me Alive…


    I’ve got a question…

    Do any of you know what the statute of limitations is on produce thievery? I only ask because I think I must be in some kind of serious trouble. Especially if the sins of the parents are visited upon the offspring.

    I know, doesn’t make much sense, does it? Well, maybe I can explain.

    You see, my parents were Murvel Sellars Sr. and Sonja Sellars. Now, I realize those names are in no way synonymous with Bonnie & Clyde, but bear with me, because I think the Federales could be kicking down my door at any moment and I want to make sure the world hears this story before “the man” shuts me up…

    Wayyyyyy, wayyyy back when… And, I say wayyyy, wayyyy back because it was when I was a kid, so you know it has to have been a long time ago (think 40 plus years.)

    Anywho, way back when, my parents and their friends, would go out camping and such. Of course, we kids would come along too. We’d cook over the campfire, hike, and do all sorts of relaxing, fun, camping things. Well, it wasn’t unusual for us to camp within a short distance – maybe nearby, maybe even a couple of miles – of farmland. Said farmland would often times be planted with sweet corn.

    I think maybe you can see where I’m headed here?

    Well, I suppose some of you city folks might not… So, by way of explanation, we were occasionally known to “raid a corn field.” As in, go out in the middle of the night and help ourselves to a dozen or so ears of fresh sweet corn right out of the field, under cover of darkness… Clandestine Cob Coppage…  Kernel Kleptomania… Golden Grain Grabbage…  Starch Stealing… you get the idea…

    From there we would often boil, roast, grill, and even BBQ the ill gotten gains. Now, I need to point out that this wasn’t a nightly occurence by any stretch, but hey, it happened a time or two during the summer months.

    And now, I think that thievery has come back to haunt me. SWAT teams and such will probably be surrounding my house and launching tear gas in through the windows very soon.

    Why would I think that?

    Well, like I said, my parents were Murvel Sellars Sr. and Sonja Sellars… And, I’m Murvel Sellars Jr.

    Still not understanding? Well, I don’t blame you… So, here’s the kernel of the story:

    I checked my site logs the other day and discovered that Murvel and Sonja  Sellars are being searched out on the internet. Of course, the searches have lead the Federales straight to me, because my parents are both deceased and I don’t exactly hide out in the shadows if you know what I mean.

    And, what makes me think it’s the Federales? Easy… I tracked the IP address right back to the offices of the US Department of Agriculture in Fort Collins, Colorado.

    As I recall, that was some pretty good corn. Not worth prison time, but still pretty good.

    Wonder if I should just call my attorney and turn myself in. Shucks, maybe I can butter someone up and work out a sweet deal…

    More to come…


    • Guess that’s one mystery that’s been “popped”, eh? 😉

      BTW…ordered the new book from Willow Tree…just awaiting its arrival!

    • Did you swallow a bad pun pill? Cuz you’ve been coming up with some serious groaners!

      Gotta say, as often as I went camping, don’t recall EVER raiding a cornfield for dinner! Of course, most of my camping was done in Arizona, and there is a dearth of cornfields in that sunny state. I do think, however, that you’re safe. I’m sure the statute of limitation for petty theft is WAY shorter than how long its been since you were a tyke. Way, WAY shorter. 😉

      • Hmmmm… So now the question is, WHY is the USDA so inordinately interested in my deceased parents, me, and judging from a recent search that was logged, my daughter?

        This is not to mention that someone using a server in Illinois – most likely from my past, and even a relative I suspect – has been googling my childhood nickname in conjunction with other keywords: i.e. “Rusty Sellars Witchcraft”…

        I expect all manner of “M. R. Sellars” searches, but this is just a little weird…

    • I doubt the corn thievery will come back to haunt you. If that were the case, there would be a great many of us “doin’ time”! Yes, I admit it; nothing tastes as sweet as filched sweet corn!

      You are far more likely to be arrested for the bad pun usage, though.

      Have you considered that someone you grew up with now works for the USDA and was merely trying to find you? I know it sounds far less dramatic, but it seems more likely to my pragmatic little mind. 🙂

    • Sure it does. They are using their infra-blue radar to detect and disable those bad puns before they get loose and on to the web. You must’ve slipped in the ones in your blog when they were on break!

    • Oh if the DoA comes knocking just explain your parents were practicing the age old right of plucking food from the first 5 (or was it 10) rows.

    • It is a well known fact in certain circles that the USDA is, in part, a cover organization for the alien/human hybrid project. Given some of the abilities espoused in your books I am sure they are watching both you and your offspring for signs of genetic diversity culled from the stolen corn. I wouldn’t worry, at worst you might be targeted for a midnight pickup where some uncomfortable but harmless tests would be run. Then dropped back into your lives with a minor memory wipe. In fact, if you remember seeing the black helicopters, its probably already happened. Have you awakened with a sore anus recently? Really, I suspect you have more to fear from the Dept of Homeland Security when they start going over those old reports of sewer access grates being blown up.

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