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  • Smells Like Lithium…


    Right out of the gates allow me to point out that Kurt Cobain and I share the same birth date. Now, I’ll grant you, there were quite a number of years separating us – he was the youngster and me the oldster – and I’m also still having those birthdays, quite unlike him. However, the point is we share a birth date so I think that allows me to bastardize the names of a couple of songs. So there…

    Of course, as usual this blog is not about Kurt Cobain. Nor is it about Nirvana, The Foo Fighters, or any such thing.

    It is, however, about Lithium… Or Thorazine… Or Haldol… Or any other antipsychotic you might be able to imagine. Why? Because I know some folks who need some. Scratch that… “Some” isn’t even close. Dump truck loads… Tanker truck loads… Just keep it coming.

    But, let’s jump back to the beginning… Sorta.

    You see, as an author of Paranormal Thrillers / Dark Urban Fantasy, I get to meet some very interesting folks. Some of them are, as I said, interesting. Others are more along the lines of interesting… Get my meaning?

    Allow me to illustrate. I recently launched a book. Some of you may have heard of it – Miranda: A Rowan Gant Investigation. Now, as with previous books and as many authors do, I had a launch party. Nothing big. Not really a soiree or anything. Just a big cookie and a book signing. In the past I’ve done bigger sorts of parties for book launches, but I went for a minimalist approach this time, mainly because the economy sucks. But, I’m getting off track…

    This go around I arrived at the store that was hosting the launch and they were also having a psychic fair. All good. More traffic, more folks to chat with. No problem there. Well, a psychic fair means “psychic readers”… Folks tossing out tarot cards, runes, whatever. Again, all good.

    Or, so I thought…

    I hadn’t been in the store 10 minutes that I was approached by one of said readers. The first thing she said to me was, “You’re the vampire guy, right?”

    “Ummm, no,” I replied. “I’m the author guy.”

    “But you write about vampires,” she said.

    “No,” I replied with a smile. “Actually, I write paranormal suspense thrillers about a witch who helps the Saint Louis police solve serial murders and the like.”

    “But there are vampires in them.”

    “Well… I wrote one book that had a serial killer who pretended to be a vampire,” I said, picking the particular volume from the table and holding it up. “It was titled Blood Moon.”

    “Well, I’m a real vampire slayer,” she replied, not even bothering to look at the novel in my hand.

    I blinked. I blinked again. Then with my outside voice I said, “I see.”

    My inside voice, however, was saying, “Sugar, I’m pretty sure you aren’t that Buffy chick… She’s quite a bit younger than you…”

    “That’s what I do,” she continued. “I travel around the world slaying vampires.”

    My outside voice said, “Oh. That’s nice.”

    My inside voice spoke up again and said, “Really… And you hide the bodies where?”

    “I just cut the twelve cords,” she announced.

    My outside voice said, “Oh. That’s nice.”

    My inside voice said, “You might have cut the cheese, but that’s about it. I think it’s more like you just escaped from a mental ward somewhere and people in white coats are looking for you.”

    “I gathered up the twelve cords of the blah blah-blah de blabbity blah blah blah…” she continued.

    My inside voice said, “I wonder how much Haldol it takes to put you down? You aren’t all that big, but with this level of psychosis I’m thinking, oh, I dunno, a quart. Quart and a half?”

    My outside voice said nothing.

    However, my outside face smiled and my outside head nodded. When you run into interesting people at a book signing, that’s pretty much all you can do unless you want to look like an ass to all of the actual interesting people who are standing around waiting to chat with you.

    Eventually “Buffy” started winding down, “Blah blah, de blabbity and so a crack in the earth is a good thing. Oil spilling into the gulf from the earth just goes to show you that I managed to slay blabbity blah blah vampires.”

    “Oh. That’s nice,” my outside voice said.

    “Yeah, you’re definitely a fucking frootloop,” my inside voice mumbled. “Oil spilling into the gulf is a good thing? Sheesh…”

    “So, you don’t read?” she asked.

    “Sure I read,” I replied. “I mean, I write books so it kinda comes with the territory.”

    She shook her head and gave me an exasperated sigh. “I mean you don’t read for people.”

    “Come again?”

    “You aren’t a reader. You don’t see things like the person in your book.”

    “Oh,” I said with my outside voice.

    “Here we go…” I said with my inside voice.

    My outside voice continued talking. “No, I don’t talk to dead people or have visions like my character, but I have helped the police in the past by answering questions about paganism and some of the symbology.”

    “Then that’s what you should do,” she announced.

    “What do you mean?” I asked.

    “You should quit writing about it and just help the police.”

    I shook my head. “Why?”

    “Because then you’d be helping.”

    “I think I’ll stick to writing,” I said with my outside voice. “After ten books it’s kinda become a habit.”

    My inside voice said, “Wrong guess on the Haldol. Gonna take three quarts for this one…”

    “Well,” she grumbled as she wandered off to do a psychic reading for a client. “I was really hoping for your fans to show up so I could slay them.”

    “I wonder if they have sharp, pointy objects in this store?” my inside voice wondered.

    “Oh. That’s nice,” my outside voice said.

    But, you know what made the day even better? A few hours later one of the other “readers” came up to me and said, “You’re the vampire guy, right?”

    I sighed as my outside voice automatically spewed, “No, I’m the author guy.”

    “Jeezus H. Chhhhhrrrriiiiissssst! Not another one,” my inside voice groaned.

    “Oh,” she said. “Well, I just read Abraham Lincoln:  Vampire Hunter, and it’s a true story taken from his private journals, you know. So, I thought you would find it interesting that one of our presidents was a famous vampire slayer and we’re just now finding out about it.”

    “Oh. That’s nice…”

    She’s all yours, Seth*. I don’t do vampires. That’s your schtick… I already have a whole box of frootloops who think they can actually ride brooms. I don’t need your mixed nuts too…

    More to come…


    * Seth Grahame-Smith – author of Abraham Lincoln:  Vampire Hunter

    • Holy crap! How did miss those crackpots? I knew something was “off” about some of the readers, but DAMN….

      • “Buffy” happened before you arrived. Dave Perkins and his wife were there for it though and have been cracking jokes about it ever since (I don’t blame them, trust me… Hell, I’ve even joined in a couple of times…)

        The one who bought the “backstory” of the Lincoln mashup was later when y’all were chatting with EK, therefore we know where your attentions were focused 😛

    • I should know by now not to try and drink coffee while reading your blog but once again I spewed coffee all over my monitor. On the up note, it made me laugh so hard my husband came to check on me………..on the down……….you were not making this up,,,,,YIKES!!!!!

      Keep writing, your books are my drug of choice!

    • I had a ringside seat for the first one, I managed to keep my composure long enough to move to the front of the store, but, close enough where if about a foot and a half of sharpened Yew branch appeared I could lend a hand. Moon phase is my only guess. but to quote my lovely smart ass wife, ” I guess that was Anita Blake?” “No” I replied,” She’s shorter”. another reason I love working with the public (truly)

      • Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for me to end up with at least one fruitloop at a book signing… 99% of the time they aren’t interested in buying or reading my books. Just in bending my ear about their private little Idaho…

        That one, however, was up there in the top 10.

        Honestly, had I not been there to “work” I would have engaged her in a much deeper conversation… That sort of unrestrained choc-full-o-nutsoness is great research material…

    • *blink* Oh my…How I wish I could have been there to observe this. I really do love people watching. Especially when it’s this odd.

    • Actually, Lithium isn’t an antipsychotic. But I, too, know some people who need some. Like me. It is very helpful. Not very funny, not a great topic for a sarcastic blog, but very helpful. I’ve been taking it every day for 23 years to help control my manic depressive mental illness (nowadays the fashionable label is Bipolar Disorder but that name hadn’t been invented when I was diagnosed in 1987.)

      Now Haldol, that’s an old school 1st generation antipsychotic- nasty stuff, can cause irreversible tardive dyskenesia. Not prescribed much anymore, nor is thorazine. I’ve seen patients in the old state hospitals twisted up like pretzels with haloperidol muscle contractions, tongues forced out of their mouths, unable to speak or even turn their head. Also not funny.

    • You need to wear that shirt that says “be careful or you’ll end up in my book” to those things! Surely some “super-secret, undercover vampire slayer” wouldn’t want their cover broken! Then they’d be doomed!! After all, how can you hunt vampires without the element of surprise? ROFL…..yes, Murv…you meet some extremely “interesting” people!

    • Damn…. I guess I missed all the fun! No one tried to slay me as I came in… no one asked if you were the vampire guy… Damn… All I did was have a pleasant conversation with an author I admire (no this does not require a thorazine drip) I had a great time and met one of your friends and went home with my signed books and no crazy thoughts of vampire slaying. I guess I will have to wait til next time to meet the vampire slayers

      Thanks Murv

      This really mad my day

    • Holy Mother of God! That’s high on the weird-o-meter, even for you!

      People like that are the reason I refuse to ever own ANY type of retail operation again. When my friends try to convince me to open a coffee shop, I am going to print this blog out, as well as several of the more bizarre experiences I had back when I worked in retail and hand it to them!

      Wow, that is just some kind of crazy! Wow.

    • Wow that was a close one. Lucky I removed my fangs, or I may not be here to write this. Did enjoy talking to you, can’t wait to read your books!

    • Well Sellars, that’s what you get. LOL! I wish I had been there. I would have pretended to be a vampire just to watch her work and try to “slay” me!

    • Never actually met anyone who needed haldol by the quart, but she was way, way, WAY out there on the delusional scale. At least you’re never bored, Murv!

      And @Dred: While Haldol is one of the older antipsychotic drugs, it is still very much used today. It is particularly effective in small doses for ICU psychosis and other types of acute delirium, and for treating patients with Alzheimer’s with paranoia and delusions. All antipsychotics, even the newer ones, can cause severe side effects including tardive diskinesia, but that is why patients who take these medications are closely monitored. Haldol is a drug often used during psychiatric emergencies. Also, drugs like thorazine and haldol are used to counteract intractable hiccups.

      And hey – Murv’s a funny, funny guy. Cut him some slack and read this blog in the same spirit in which he wrote it – with tongue firmly planted in cheek. He’s not making fun of the mentally ill, he is just sharing a bit of his whacky life.

      And if that doesn’t work, maybe you could shop on Ebay for a sense of humor….

    • i LOVE messing with people like that. they rarely notice when I’m making fun of them, and it’s so easy to convince them of the most ridiculous things.

    • I think I worked for that woman. No,wait, thats right, I worked for the woman who believed that the DaVinci code was real-and the St. Louis Bread Company stole all her restaurant ideas and put her out of business…but only when she wasnt taking her Prozac. I know a woman who met her husband at one of those psychic fairs. He could see which of the folk there were human, and which ones were the lizard aliens wearing human skins. I work in returns. We know when the moon changes. Medication is a good thing. More people should try it.

    • Pain felt. Been there. Retail, no. Food service, yes. Video table at a Sci-Fi convention, yes. I love ‘cons, but let’s face it, half the attendees are either on, or should be on, some sort of heavy drugs. They come up with the weirdest shit. But they are essentially harmless, and amusing (as we see from this incident) to speak to. Now, I would definitely worry about someone who claims to “slay” anything, although, as vampires do not exist, perhaps it is, in fact, all in her head. I bet the Eclipse Saga really burns her up! BTW, get the Rifftrax for Eclips and New Moon, can you say hilarious?!

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