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  • Two Way Streets…


    If you are a regular around here, you know that for the most part, Brainpan Leakage is a satire blog. If you aren’t a regular around here, you need only read the description of the blog, and you should be able to figure it out. However, in this day and age of instant gratification and lack of fact checking, something of which I am occasionally guilty myself, there are often kneejerk reactions to my ramblings here.

    Of course, most of you are also well aware that like the proverbial morning cup of coffee and a healthy magazine read in the porcelain room, my day simply is not complete until I have offended someone. The earlier the better, IMHO. That way I can knock off work early and relax. And, as we’ve seen in the past, Wednesdays and Sundays whenever a new blog deploys are the most likely days for early dismissal from the salt mines.

    That said, let’s get down to something good and offensive.

    “What might that be?” you wonder.

    “Well, I’ll tell you,” I say. “Blog comments.”

    You see, while I do screen the blog comments for the purpose of keeping spam/blam from making it through, I have no problem approving just about anything, even if you disagree with me. Knock yourself out. If we all had the same opinion then the world would be a very boring place.

    However, if you elect to do so, you need to bear in mind that I am just like a comic on stage. If you heckle me, I will heckle you right back.

    Case in point… Several months ago I posted a blog that offended a young lady. I say lady because she’s female. For all I know she isn’t a lady at all, but I digress. At any rate, she posted a ridiculously pedantic diatribe on the public comment portion of the blog, taking me to task for being a closed-minded idiot, more or less. While she didn’t actually use the word idiot, as I recall, her intent was clear.

    So, good on her. No problem. She took me to task in public, so I heckled her in public. Still, being the nice guy that I really and truly am, I heckled an “anonymous” individual. I didn’t name names, nor provide a link to her FB page, or any of the other things I could have done.

    And what do you think happened? Yeah, that’s right. She worked herself up a big ol’ mad and sent me a scathing, nasty email. Now, not only was I a closed minded idiot, I was also a big doody-head for having the unmitigated gall to heckle her.

    Do I care? No. I don’t. She obviously needs both an anger management class, and to, as my dear friend Doc Witt says, “shop for a sense of humor on eBay.”

    So, the moral of the story?

    Simple. You don’t get to call me names with impunity. You don’t get to “yell” at me because I posted something you don’t like on MY blog with impunity.

    Just in case you don’t know the word impunity, I’ll save you the trip to dictionary.com – it means, “exempt from the detrimental effects, as of actions.”

    So, what I’m saying is, if you feel the absolute need to do any of the above, more power to you. Just don’t act so damned surprised, hurt, put-out, emotionally scarred, and otherwise umbraged when I bite back.

    In fact, you’d best be glad it’s me and not E K. She does way more than just bite…

    More to come…


    • I haven’t had coffee yet, but when it’s done in a minute, I plan to return with some SCATHING, SPECTACULAR heckling so you can heckle me back, okay? Sounds like fun to me! Eventually the entire bit will become so hysterical that we have to take our heckling on the road and perform it for others! Oh wait…


    • Dear Murv,

      Every day I wake up, I’m offended by you because I know you are probably drinking inferior coffee. Now you can take the rest of the year off!

      For the rest of you knuckleheads who might think I am picking on poor ol’ Murv, I’m just giving him an easy out.

    • poke…poke…nip…poke

    • I’m fully prepared for lack of impunity at all times.
      which is why I think very carefully when I’m tempted to heckle you, especially with anything from your pre-EK past. You know just as much about me….giggle.

    • I am reminded of when I used to work a local renaissance faire. As you might expect, the bodices most of us wore did an excellent job of putting our boobs out there on display as well as giving them a very nice shape. And as you might also expect, the men around us enjoyed the hell out of it. Why wouldn’t they? Occasionally there would be a gal out there with it all on display and if a man dared look? Baton down the hatches! The poor fella would get quite an earful from the woman on how she was more than just a sex object and how dare he look at her like that?!?! The rest of us just rolled our eyes and wondered quietly amongst ourselves why they were even dressed like that if they didn’t want to be looked at by the men. *shrug* Some people are apparently not acquainted with the whole “you can give it, but can you also take it” thing.

    • Here’s a little giftie for you: (hope it comes out properly, if your system allows me to post html code)

    • Well, poop, apparently not.

    • just read this today. Don’t blame you one bit. Bite back. Way to many people can’t take a joke. Some deserve a good old fashioned thump on the head. I figure if you have something serious to say you would post it differently, not as satire.

      Have a great day

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