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  • Spit, By Any Other Name…


    Pizza boxes were piled on the island in the kitchen. They were empty, and what little remnants of the various “flavors” of Italian-American dinner pie… Well… Lunch and Breakfast Pie for that matter… But, I slobber as I digress. Fitting I suppose, given the title. But back to the story at hand…

    …what little remnants of the various “flavors” of Italian-American dinner pie that were left had been tossed into a Tupperware container and stuffed into the icebox for later. At the moment, there was still work to be done.

    You see, before I started blogging to keep folks up to date on my whereabouts and nefarious deeds, I had an e-newsletter. While I don’t regularly send one out any longer, I do use the list for announcements and the like. And, prior to establishing the e-newsletter, I had a good old-fashioned paper newsletter. I even have an 11×17 paper folder in my basement. Anybody know someone interested in buying it?

    There I go, digressing again…

    Let’s continue… AND, before THAT, my newsletter was on 8.5 x 11 paper, and stuffed into envelopes. So, when you have 2000 plus newsletters to stuff into envelopes in order to send them out to fans and bookstores, and you barely have enough money to print the newsletter to begin with, what do you do? Well, you don’t hire a mailing service, that’s for sure. You hire your friends. You buy pizza and beer, invite them over, and make them fold for their supper…

    Or, in my case, I join them in the folding while E K strolls back and forth, occasionally slapping us with her riding crop and screaming, “FASTER LACKEYS!” as she makes us ALL work for our supper – which, of course, is primarily the leftover pizza crust from her plate that she tosses to us as we grovel at her feet.

    Think I’m kidding? Two words: Evil Redhead.

    But anyway… There we were, “Mentos”, The Chunk Man, E K, me, and even the o-spring, sitting around the dining room table with plastic milk crates of newsletters and boxes of envelopes and rolls of stamps. We had ourselves a regular assembly line going.

    The Chunkster and E K were on folding duty, because they are both insanely meticulous about such. Mentos and I were stuffing the pre-printed envelopes, and I was pulling double duty putting the stamps on them as well. I really didn’t have much choice. E K kept kicking me under the table.

    Anywho, the o-spring was all of about 4 at the time, which meant she was all about helping. For some reason that changes when they hit the tween/teen years. However, that’s now and this was then… So, back then, she was all about helping, and what she really wanted to do was lick the envelopes and seal them.

    Okay, all good. She’s pretty meticulous too, so once she was shown the process, there was no worry about her slobbering on them or anything.

    We had been at the project for better than two hours, with only a short break for dinner. Everything was coming together, moving like a well-oiled machine. Then, it happened… The end of the line started slowing down. By that, I mean the o-spring was no longer sealing envelopes. In fact, she was sitting in her chair with a bizarre look on her face as she smacked her lips.

    My first thought was that she had given herself a paper-cut. I’ve done the same on envelopes when not paying attention. But there was no apparent blood and she wasn’t crying. Just seemingly perplexed.

    E K turned to her and said, “Why did you stop? What’s wrong?”

    The o-spring smacked her lips a couple of more times, then said without missing a beat, “I’m all out of tongue water.”

    Creative descriptions… I guess that’s what happens when one of your parents is a writer.

    More to come…


    • Tongue water! I still have some of those newletters!

    • oh, thats PRICELESS!

    • LOL! Well, if you didn’t know what it was called, what would YOU name it? Now I’m wondering what the etymology of the word spit is…

      bef. 950; (v.) ME spitten, OE spittan; c. G (dial.) spitzen to spit; akin to OE sp?tan to spit, sp?tl spittle; (n.) ME, deriv. of the v.

      Guess it’s pretty much been *spit* (in one form or another) for over a thousand years!

    • Having been the one on the closing end of the envelope to assist in the sending out of News Letters in the past, I understand the O’Springs dilemma. I found that a wet sponge works wonders and does not leave that nasty envelope taste in you mouth.

      Nothing seemed to get rid of the taste. seemed to last forever.

      Email is great no nasty taste… But I still send out letters and cards via snail mail. I just ask my hubby to seal them.


    • Go figure a word that onomatopoetic is Germanic in origin….

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