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  • Of Rabbits And Drama…


    When I was in high school I was a member of the Drama Club. We studied the fine art of acting, performed skits, and even put on plays. It was fun. As I’ve aged, however, drama has morphed into something else entirely, and I don’t find it fun in the least. I think you probably know the drama to which I refer. If you don’t then I envy you, because that means you haven’t been touched by it.

    Now, I will grant you, sometimes this drama is amusing, but only in a really sad sort of way. Unfortunately, there are folks in the world who are addicted to strife. And, when I say addicted I mean it. So much so that if there isn’t any drama in their lives they will manufacture some in order to feed their need. Some of the worst offenders are what the pagan community refers to as “Fluffy Bunnies”.  In short, a “Fluffy Bunny” or “Fluff Bunny” is someone who is unwilling to accept that there is anything other than goodness and light in paganism. For them, any deviation from that is inherently wrong and evil. Whenever threatened by factual information that is not contained within the three chapters of the particular book they skimmed before declaring themselves High Priest/ess Aluminum Fairy Poo, they instantly launch into their mantra, “Persecution! Help, I’m being persecuted!”

    You might think I am kidding, but unfortunately I am not. Granted, there are some other nuances and complexities to the bunnies, but the above is the overall gist.

    Of course, fluff bunnies, like their Hassenpfeffer bound cousins, multiply at an alarming rate. One theory is that they do this because cutting up big ol’ fat lines of drama on a mirror and sucking it up through Monopoly money isn’t any fun if you are all by yourself. Therefore, these cotton tailed drama junkies will invite their friends into the mix, and before long you have a “drama house” on your block, complete with strung out dramaheads propped up against the wall, sucking on a drama pipe. Others will be passing a blimped out drama doob around the circle, getting all excited when a drama seed pops and shoots across the room. The really hardcore “fluffy thespians” are usually in the back, cooking up drama in a spoon over a goddess candle then mainlining it.

    Now, this would be just fine if the drama was contained to the drama house, but it just never seems to stay there for long. Especially with the Internet at their disposal. Add social networking to the mix and you have yourself a drama pusher’s wet dream.

    Case in point:

    The Lost Abbey Witch’s Wit beer controversy.

    If you haven’t heard about this, good for you. Once again, I envy that. But, being a part of the Pagan community – whether I self-identify as a Pagan or not (that’s a whole ‘nother blog), I get to hear about it. I even get invited to join the crusade.

    In a nutshell, this Microbrewery in California puts out a seasonal selection called Witch’s Wit – “Wit” being a style of beer, specifically a Belgian Wheat Ale with fruit zests and spices added. A mainstream beer example – as much as it pains me to mention an AB product here – would be the Bud Light Wheat. While I haven’t sampled the Port Brewing/Lost Abbey Wit, I’m sure that it is far superior to the Bud Light. Craft beers always are… But, I digress…

    The label on the bottle of Witch’s Wit features a rendering of a woman being burned at the stake while the nondescript faces of the crowd watch on. The text about the beer goes on to tell the “back story” behind the beer with tongue-in-cheek dark satire., highlighting the fact that such atrocities were just that, atrocities. The artwork is purposely surreal and the verbiage purposely over the top. While I will concede that someone with a condition such as Asperger’s Syndrome may be incapable of recognizing satire right off the bat, logic dictates that a company that is selling beer is not highly likely to publicly advocate burning people at the stake.

    However, leave it to the drama-seeking fluff bunnies to jump all over this.

    It is their contention that Port Brewing/Lost Abbey is advocating just that – witch burning. (BTW – in the interest of historical accuracy, during the inquisition burning was reserved for heretics and martyrs. NOT witches. The fluffies don’t believe that, but then, if it isn’t contained in the three chapters of that one book, yadda yadda…)

    In addition to advocating witch burning, apparently they are also advocating violence against women – due to the fact that it is a woman in the artwork who is tied to the stake. Just ask the fluff bunnies. They have some amazing insight when it comes to surreal artwork and satire. They can see things the rest of us cannot. Hell, they have amazing insight about everything. It may come as a surprise to you, but per a swarming mass of “fluffies” out there, I am evil. Why? Because the main character in my novels, Rowan Gant, is a Witch. Well, that doesn’t make sense, does it? After all, aren’t they Witches too? Well yes, but the thing is, you have to think like a fluffy bunny. You see, even though I portray Witchcraft and Paganism in an accurate and positive light in my novels,  I write murder mystery/suspense thrillers. Operative word there, murder.  Dying. Blood. Horribleness and stuff. Eww…

    I have been informed – and continue to be informed on some bizarre, random schedule – that having a Witch associated with murder (even though he is solving the murder, NOT committing it) is wrong, wrong, WRONG! I am supposed to be writing novels about healing the earth, goodness, light, and fairy dust.

    Who knew?

    And, I hate to say it, but the above is not an exaggeration. Yeah. Scary, eh?

    But, back to the beer…

    The Fluff Bunnies have gone so far overboard this time that the whole controversy made it to the New York Times. Can you imagine that? The NYT did a feature story on a Microbrewed Beer all because of a bunch of drama junkies who were having a slow day.

    So, here’s my take on it: Normally I wouldn’t say anything. I’d just sit by and ignore you cotton-tails while you suck down your your dime bag of drama, then wander off in search of more. However, since you have elected to get all ridiculous and bring a jaundiced eye to bear upon ALL Pagans with your lunacy,  you have effectively managed to contaminate the rest of us with your stupid. Therefore, I’m going to chime in out of self-preservation. Quit whining. Seriously. Quit friggin’ whining and and pull up your big kid undies. If you don’t like the label on the beer, then don’t buy it. Grow the f*ck up. There’s a movement among some folks right now to boycott Port Brewing/Lost Abbey. Well, if that’s your thing, go for it. There’s your course of action. Boycott. If it bothers you that much, don’t buy it. More power to you. Join the Boycott Lost Abbey group on Facebook. Invite your friends. Invite me if you want, although I will obviously decline. Suffice it to say, a rational reaction to your dislike doesn’t bother me in the least, and I say go for it.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have any choice in the matter as far as the  actual, physical boycotting goes since they don’t sell their beer anywhere close to me. But trust me, if they did I’d go buy one. And after drinking it, if I liked it I’d go back and buy more. I happen to like Wit Ales, and I am also rational enough to get the joke – as well as the underlying dig at the religious body responsible for the atrocity.

    My real problem with all of this comes from the bunnies who are demanding that they change the label and keep spouting rhetoric like “I can’t believe they are being allowed to persecute Pagans like this!”

    Give me a break…

    And stop lumping all Pagans into your hutch. Some of us have a clue, and you need to get one.

    Get over yourselves. It’s a bottle of beer. I haven’t seen any of you protesting Monty Python’s Holy Grail Ale. It’s been around for years, and it boasts right there on the label that it is “Tempered over burning witches.” Are THEY persecuting you too?

    What about the “Flat Witch On The Door” Halloween decoration? What about MacBeth? Maybe we ought to dig up Shakespeare and give him a good talking to, ya’think? What about The Wizard Of Oz? Can’t have any green faced witches being melted by girls in gingham dresses – that’s just unacceptable!

    Here’s a dose of reality: The only person(s) persecuting you is you and your ilk, because the more you run off at the mouth the more people are going to look at you like you’ve lost your ever loving mind. Fact is, you probably have, but that’s not something you want to go around broadcasting. Suck it up, don’t buy the beer, and get on with your life. Quit slandering the people, quit sending them emails calling them names, and quit demanding that they change something just because it doesn’t fit your myopic vision of the world – Gee… Sounds to me a lot like you’re the ones doing the persecuting.

    Now, here’s my other issue with all of this – I was getting the nasty email from the bunnies long before this beer ever hit the market, so WTF?  Why am I getting left out in the cold? Apparently the bunnies have not raised a big enough stink about how evil I am, and how horrible my books are to portray a crime solving Witch, instead of a tree hugging, earth humping, crystal sucker.

    So get on this stick, will ya’? I want some of that free publicity from the New York Times too…

    More to come…


    • You sir are very ingenious… This post is awesome. You’ve made my day. hehehe. : )

    • I’ve gotta feeling you’re going to be busy today sorting through your soon-to-be overflowing inbox!

      Golly, gee whiz, Murv – I wish you had told me you were evil! I guess I am always the last to know. Seeing as you are already on the darkside… Want some cookies? Or coffee? They were both prepared using the fires of Hades. 🙂

    • Yanno – lol I saw an article where the beer label was being changed (?) And I remembered the Monthy Python label too(or something similar). Someone gave me some way back when as a gift *giggle* I thought it was funny.
      I dont want people to be hurt -or *feel* persecuted, but I agree with you that folks will focus on something but quick and find a problem where there need none be found.
      But you, yourself, pointed out – if its Not one thing Its another………so if not a beer label…..
      what’s next then?

      I couldnt care less myself. LOL And I tend to not make the jump from art on beer or words for beer being associated with abuse to women, etc. Personally, I think we get into trouble when we make Huge assumptions about what someone else’s intentions are……..but……….thats just me.

      cheers Murv
      PS – I wouldnt necessarily tag this beer label mess with fluffies. I’ve seen some pretty seasoned witches up in arms(brooms) about this. Why? Yeah, I dont know either.

      I continue to say year after year after year that we will never *be* accepted nor understood as we’d like to be UNTIL we stop announcing how persecuted we are.
      Me? I’m not persecuted. Are you?

      later gater

    • Love you, dude. I have met so many of those that you describe here. I’ve been a pagan for years and identified as a Wiccan over the last ten or so years. The “I’m more pagan/wiccan/persecurted/whatever than thou” crowd makes me crazy. I’m back to being a Solitaire because of it. I have not heard of your books before, but I look forward to reading them now. I don’t drink alcohol (my choice) but if I find this ale near me I’m gonna buy it just to annoy the Fluffies and support satirical marketing.

      • That’s exactly why I no longer self-identify as pagan, and call myself a secular humanist instead – it’s really the same thing when you get right down to it.

        There are a gazillion wonderful people in the community, and I love every one of them. I have a blast when I do gigs at Pagan fests and the like – which is often and all across the country. But I always run into Fluffies and they drive me insane. What’s most bothersome about them is their insane rhetoric, because it colors how people end up viewing ALL Pagans…

        Hope you enjoy the books! 🙂

    • WOW. Murv, WOW Some people really need to get a life. It is after all a beer. (I have nothing against beer per se but I do not drink it). Having lost a job because I “advocated witchcraft” (a really long story) I have no sympathy for the fluff bunnies. Life is not all sweetness and light no matter what you do or do not believe. If a person is offended by a damn bottle (I have often bought wine bottles for the art on the label alone) then they really aught to rethink what is important in life. I had never seen the Monty Python Ale Bottle before and I find it funny. Call me what you will Being one who is constantly studying and learning (from more than 3 chapters) about many things. I live in the real world where there is plenty of darkness.

      Thanks Murv I think you should get the free publicity from NY Times. and I just might find a way to buy that bottle of beer


    • Everytime I see someone *go there* I always type the exact same thing………
      “Look, look at you all Out Loud on the internet….public and talking Just fine. Did anyone knock on your door today, drag you off and put you in jail? Are they making bon fires and cutting tree trunks to burn you with? A nope.”

      I’ve seen lots of people say they are getting emotional abuse – and seriously other than a few pockets of the south – and I have heard a *few* legitimate stories – but other than some remote areas –
      everybody seems pretty Out Loud to me. (?)
      *blink blink*

      But then I remember back when before internet and chat groups, much less huge internet Ning sites when people *were* quiet and kept to themselves a great deal.
      Somedays I miss it.
      Because with all the coming out of the broom closet goes the ‘I am so persecuted’ complex too.
      (eye roll)

    • Bravo! Well said, Murv. It annoys me that it is these people who seem to always end up being the face of the community that the public at large sees. This life is just too effing short to be that uptight. And yes! Stop lumping me in with them, PLEASE! Yeah, if they’d stop that I’d be quite happy.

      Hmmmm…my best friend lives in their distribution area. Maybe I’ll see if she can grab a couple bottles for me. If she does I’ll save one for you. 😉

    • Why is it that the craziest of any group of people always seem to get the national attention? Hey Murv, maybe if you find some really crazy soapbox to hop on you’ll finally get the national publicity your books rightfully deserve, lol!

      But seriously, great blog man!

      • I was thinking about dressing up like a Catholic Schoolgirl and playing the banjo in the middle of Laclede’s Landing here in STL, but my cop buddies tell me that won’t get me any attention at all…

    • So, my friend, you now see the violence inherent in the system? In this case you have identified a persecution complex as it applies to a certain group, but you realize this goes on ALL THE TIME with literally hundreds of groups who feel that someone has slighted them in some way. As you say, they should grow up. The world is not an easy place and things happen. In a civilized society we have to temper our freedom of speech with consideration for the feelings of others, BUT that must be tempered with a healthy dose of rational thought. When someone is trying to hurt you, you know it. When a careless word or picture hurts your feelings, well, that’s unfortunate, but not deliberate, and if you are honest with yourself, you know it wasn’t on purpose.
      Now, as to being evil, I’ve played in your games Murv. You are far less evil than Steve, and nowhere near as evil as I. >:-)

    • I find persecution seeking boring, another way to show off kinda ” See, I am important, people hate me for what I do/am.”
      Lots of people do it innocently and some do it with intent of manipulation of some sort. When I was doing field work in my major I would attend Powwows and other such gatherings and always had to keep my mouth shut when the people there ( usually a person NOT an actual part of the group, just someone with romantic ideals about the particular group) kept telling me I couldn’t draw, take notes/pictures of what was going on since it was sacred. most groups have no objection to explaining/sharing their faith with others and if an actual participant would have objected, I would have stopped, but it was a “fuzzy bunny” every time. so like others have said, when they break down your door at one am THAT’S when your being persecuted, when people tell you they won’t hire you because of a belief etc. THAT’S when your persecuted. Face it, to most people, witches start and end in fairy tales, and that’s the level of gravitas they put on a “burn a witch” comment. please people, get some perspective!

    • Ugh… I think that’s really all I have to say about this … it’s stupid. I definitely agree that it’s all the people who get up in arms about crap like this that do more damage than the stuff they’re offended about …

      The only other thing I have to say is that according to Google maps, the brewery/tasting room is only 4 miles/7 minutes away from me… I could make a beer run.

    • I swear the drama llama is out in full force lately. It’s why I hide under my recluse rock, munch paper, and grumble. lol 😀

      Some people will take anything you say as offense. I don’t get it. It’s like they’re always hopping on a livewire of uptightness. Reason number 9 I’m a solitary. When I did belong to a group, I either “wasn’t doing it right” according to this pagan, or someone was fighting with someone over something. I know not all groups are like this–there are some great ones–but under the rock the full bunnies and uptight types can’t find me! hehe

      Take care, Murv! Let me know when NYTimes does that article on you. 😉

    • Offensive! Curse thee typos! 😀

    • Oh I give up. “Full” bunnies? I need more coffee.

    • Oh, now that’s an excellent idea sir! 😀

    • I agree with you completely…but then I have to deal with fluff bunnies all the time. They are exhausting, and I will be honest…I think that most of the time they do not even realize what they are doing! They are so used to all the negativity, backbiting, and in-fighting they have nothing to do if there is none. I am so proud you wrote this, it reminds me of my blog…Paranoia big destroyer

      • I <3 The Kinks... 😉

        I hear you on the "they know not what they do" thing... Unfortunately, the person that sparked this whole deal knew EXACTLY what she was doing. It got her name in the papers and increased hits to her website, exposing her to a whole new crop of crazies who will now flock to the stores to order her crystal suppositories so that they can cram them up their bung holes and be just like her. She's the defacto leader of the fluffer puffers now.

        If you get a chance, read her bio and look at what is most prominent in it - I'm willing to bet hard money that if she had walked past that bottle and it depicted a man tied to the stake - or maybe even a crucifixion - she wouldn't have said word one.

        And before I get slapped down over that comment - I have no problem with feminism. Hell, my wife is about as strong a female archetype as you can find. I do, however, have problems with Hyper-Dianic Femi-Nazi-Ism.

    • Crystal suppositories and fluffer puffers? I was wondering why skyclad was so popular, a simple access issue!

    • Murv – you ARE the awesome ;-> This was just too wonderful a rampage not to share with others. We see that all the time here too – if one is going to take insult, one should at least have a passing knowledge of the real facts and/or understand what the words ‘satire’ and ‘parody’ might actually mean. I REALLY want some of that brew now, and while I am at it, pick up some of the Monty Python inspired ale too!

    • Oh most definitely! You were both a joy and serious laughter medicine, and I would definitely welcome you back with open arms (especially since we have a new location a very cool new space!) Let’s chat sometime ;->

    • Thank you for barking at the fluffy bunnies. They can wear a person down. I cannot even begin to count how many times I’ve been lectured to eat the “goodness and light” sammach. (‘scuse me whilst I gag). I have a sense of humor, maybe more towards the darker end of the spectrum, but at least I have one. If they want to live in rainbow and butterfly land, fine, but don’t start whining when you end up feeling like roadkill. You rock Murv!

    • You are not a lone voice in the wilderness, Murv. Here’s another (http://www.examiner.com/domestic-witchery-in-national/outrage-over-witch-s-wit-beer-label-better-focused-on-real-persecution), with the additional important point that there are real people (mostly children) in Africa and other places around the world who are being tortured, raped, ostracized and killed for the crime of “being witches” (mostly they are just helpless babies being blamed by religious hysterics for one calamity or another) – where are the Fluffy Bunnies voices of outrage there? Oh, that’s right. Those poor innocents aren’t really witches, so I guess it doesn’t matter to them….

      • Yep, we were talking about this over on FB. Some of the fluffers actually drew some sort of conclusion that Lost Abbey was in some way responsible for the persecution in Africa.

        And as far as the Inquisitions goes, once again, the goody-two-shoes cottontails persist in their belief that Witch Burning was some sort of rampant epidemic, when in fact it was a rarity for anyone to be burned for the crime of Witchcraft. Heresy, yes. Witchcraft, no. In fact, they pretty much tortured you until you implicated everyone you knew, then renounced your “Satanic ways.” If you were still alive and hadn’t died from your injuries or secondary infections, they let you go so you would be an example. If you survived the torture and still refused to implicate others or admit to being in league with the devil and renounce your ways, generally you were hanged.

        There are still fluff puffers who insist that Witches were burned in Salem, MA. My favorites are the ones who tell you that they are reincarnated from one of the hundreds of Witches who were burned in Salem. In reality, of the 31 tried, 19 were hanged, and 1 was crushed while being tortured to extract a confession, which he never gave. A few others died in prison, but nary a one was burned. And, while accusations ran rampant for a time, many went unpursued and there definitely were NOT hundreds executed – or even imprisoned – much less burned at the stake.

        The thing is – the fluffies aren’t really Witches either, nor is the supposedly famous wingnut who started this whole flap in the first place. O_o

    • I’ve met people like that. I have a friend who is a fluff bunny. well more of a fluff deranged killer rabbit who locks onto every passing controversy with all the fury of a hideous monster with nasty pointed teeth.I get so sick of hearing about her latest crusades, though at least hers are mostly either raining against conservatives or standing up for the rights of either the gblt community or fat people,though back in the day she did her fair share of crusading against witch persecution.

      and you should be ashamed, you bad, bad, man, for putting a witch in a murder mystery. how dare you show witches in a positive light. people might get the idea that we’re nice. we wouldn’t want that, would we?

      though i think the few with brains would have more problem with the killers in your books who misuse/pervert the magic to their own ends, rather than with Rowan, who helps put the bad guys away. but who said logic was even in their realm of possibility.

      btw, do you happen to know where i can pick up the Holy Grail beer? I love monty python.

    • Love you take on this whole thing.

    • thanks murv. you typed what i wish i had time to at work….. i hope all the fluff bunnies get a chance to read your post. keep up the good work.

    • Le sigh. Complaining about false persecution is demeaning to those who really have been or are still being persecuted, regardless of faith (yours or mine, if ya know what I mean and I think you do), and minimizes the horror of their experiences. It’s the most narcissistic form of self-worship.

    • Great posting. Thanks for sharing.

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