" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Godspeed…
  • Godspeed…


    My apologies to those who are expecting a few lines of silliness, satire, or the adventures of the redhead. On the afternoon of November 16, some old and dear friends lost their daughter to cancer. For the moment, my observations on the universe are far less than satirical or humorous…

    Godspeed, Samantha Schuey…

    June 1, 1988 – November 16, 2010

    I will return to my regular blogging as scheduled this coming Sunday…

    More to come…


    • my sympathies to you and the family. there are no words to describe the pain of burying your daughter.

    • May her family suffer no more as her spirit flys freely.

    • I’m sorry to hear that she lost her fight. My thoughts are with your friend and his family. Cancer is scary and something that no one wants to deal with… especially when it hits someone so young. We lost one of my brothers at 12, and almost lost another brother a few years ago … about the same age as Samantha…. both with cancer

    • I lost a sister in 75 after she had a 10 yr battle with cancer and then in 98 my other sister lost a breast to cancer BUT she has survived!! Deep sympathy to the family and you on this loss and may the higher powers give great comfort at this time and always..

    • Murv I am so sorry your friends lost their daughter. I cannot even imagine such…….. *sigh*
      I will add a candle to my altar today, my friend.
      Please give your friends my love.


    • Murv:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your friends daughter. My heart goes out to your friend and his family. I will keep them in my thoughts. I will add a candle today.

      Please send mine and Bruce’s Love and respect to your friends family.



    • Murv..so tragic. My heart goes out to her family and all who knew and loved her. This is the one thing that as a mother I couldn’t bear. So young. May happy memories be a comfort to all hearts that are grieving.

      Comfort and strength to all … Lynne

    • My Love & Strength goes out to her family. I had the privilege of meeting Sam and her Father at our Support Group a few times. I am so sorry to see her go but there is another Angel watching over us now. God Bless You Sam!!!!

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