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  • Turkey Salad On Whole Wheat…


    I love me some Cracker Barrel. I’ve never made a secret of that.

    Whenever I’m on a driving book tour, Cracker Barrel is my number one choice for a quick meal. The Country Boy Breakfast can’t be beat, and if I’m in a hurry, the Chicken ‘n Dumplings are always hot and ready to go. There’s a song by one of my all time favorite bands, Styx, called Music Time. One of the lines says, “I like fast food, the burgers always taste the same.”

    Well, that’s one of the great things about Cracker Barrel. They have those Chicken ‘n Dumplings down to a science, and they always taste the same no matter where you are in the country.

    But The Redhead isn’t a big Cracker Barrel fan. It’s not that she dislikes it. It’s more that she has her own favorite, that being Arby’s. Why Arby’s? Definitely not for the roast beef, I’m here to tell you.

    Nope… Fact is, Her Supreme Leather Clad Goddessness-ness is all about the Market Fresh Pecan Chicken Salad Wrap. So, whenever we are on the road together – she has her Evil Appearances ya’know – she dictates the meal stops, and if it has to be fast and can’t be a local cuisine type of bistro, her choice is almost always Arby’s.

    Therefore, in keeping with the theme of Thanksgiving leftovers and feeding The Evil One, we have another recipe…

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    Makes enough to feed “Satan in High Heels” for around 1 week of lunches. Adjust quantities as necessary.


    3 Cups diced turkey
    1 1/2 Cups red seedless grapes, quartered
    1 – 2 (depends on size) Jonathan Apples, cored and diced – note: after dicing toss with a tablespoon of lemon juice to prevent discoloring from oxidation.
    2 Ribs Celery – hearts preferably – diced
    1/2 Cup chopped walnuts
    1/2 TBSP Ground Rosemary
    1 TBSP Parsley Flakes
    1 tsp celery seed
    1 TBSP Yellow Prepared Mustard
    3 TBSP Mayonnaise
    3 TBSP Plain Greek Yogurt
    Salt and Pepper to taste


    Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Adjust amount of mayonnaise/yogurt if you desire a “drier” or “wetter” turkey salad. Refrigerate.
    I suggest allowing it to sit in the icebox overnight before serving, in order to give the flavors a chance to blend.
    The Redhead likes this served with a sprinkle of shredded Monterey Jack or Mild Cheddar, rolled into a whole grain wrap. I will also occasionally garnish with baby spinach or frisee.

    More to come…


    • OMG I have almost the exact recipe that I came up with. It is DELICIOUS too.

      I love a local bread here called Dave’s Killer Bread. I love the POWERSEED. It’s high in fiber and uses tons of flax seed. I toast it. I also use Monterey Jack. I also sometimes toast the nuts before adding to the salad. It brings out a nuttier sweetness. I also use pecans, but have been known to add toasted slivered almonds.

      Great recipe you have and I shall have to try the greek yogurt. I hadn’t thought if using that before. Thanks so much for sharing :o)

      The link to the bread is this:

      • Deb – The greek yogurt adds some acidity to the flavor profile and makes the flavors “brighter”… 🙂

        I’m a bread person myself – and actually so is EK, but she’s big on “watching the carbs” so she goes for wraps more often than bread. However when bread is involved we always go for the whole grain. I’ll have to check out that link, thanks! 🙂

    • This sounds like a really good recipe (minus the celery I do not like the texture). We go for the whole or multi-grain breads ourselves. I do like the wraps though, have found some great spinach ones at a local market.

      I am going to make this salad soon.

      • I use the center of the celery hearts – the smaller, pale green / yellow-white ribs because they are much more tender, but still have the flavor and a bit of snap. But, hey, if you don’t like celery definitely leave it out. 🙂

    • Just FYI – and boy I was startled to find this out! – the wraps are nutritionally worse than a whole grain bread. They usually have more fat and just as many carbs, just no yeast to puff ’em up. So unless you’ve read the label and know there are fewer carbs, the wrap is generally not a healthier choice! I went back to a nice 12 grain bread or just put my sandwich filling on top of a bed of greens instead.

      • Good to know… I usually buy the reduced carb, low fat veggie & grain wraps for her, but I will definitely compare the labels now that you’ve given me the heads up… Part of why she prefers the wrap is that she is often eating while driving, what with her being the premiere Techno MILF at her company she is on the road taking service calls quite a bit and has to eat on the go. The wraps are a bit easier for her to handle one-handed…

        BUT I will be forwarding this info to her and I might be designing a different type of sammich for her Queenship in the near future. 🙂

    • The new light breads Mike has come up with are high in fiber and lower in carbs. His 21 grain Light is real tasty. I too watch those carbs and would love to eat more of his wonderful breads. I love his BLUES bread, but the carbs are a bit too high for me. But check out his site cause those breads are really killer in nutrition and his lighter breads has less carbs and more fiber. He is coming out with even more lower carb breads without sacrificing the flavor. Organic and delicious.

      On another note, when calculating carbs, subtract the fiber from the total carbs and that gives you the NET carbs that your body will absorb. The higher the fiber the less the carbs. :o) I too eat the lower carb tortillas. LA TORTILLA is the brand I buy. Flavor is great for the garlic and also for the green onion ones.

    • hmm might try that. I just have never liked the stringiness of celery are the hearts different?

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