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  • No Good Deed…


    …Goes Unpunished.

    That’s the old saying, and you know, I’m beginning to believe it.

    I had this acquaintance. Fortunately, I don’t have this acquaintance any longer, but the following anecdote about him is relevant to this rant – You see, at Christmas time he expected you to go shopping for him and buy him something nice. Well, that really isn’t the spirit of the season, but so be it. The thing is, you couldn’t give him cash or a gift certificate (gift “cards” weren’t around just yet). If you did something like that, then you didn’t “care.” You hadn’t put any “thought” into his gift. And, he wasn’t about to give you any hints about what he wanted. You should “know” if you were his friend, family, whatever…

    Okay, I can kind of see that first point, the second is a bit thin, but whatever…

    However, here’s the rub. No matter how much thought you put into the gift, no matter how much attention you paid, or how much shopping you did, come Christmas day, after opening said gift, he asked for the receipt.

    Yep. He would take EVERYTHING anyone had given him… I’m SERIOUS… EVERYTHING he had received and then return it, most often for the cash.

    Kind of makes you think, “Why bother?” Know what I mean?

    Well, that’s the feeling I’m getting right about now… As you all know, I rarely if ever publicly respond to negative criticism. Truth is, I don’t even read reviews – good or bad – because they are nothing more than an opinion of an individual, and in the end don’t mean much of anything.  It has been my experience that negative reviews sell just as many books and positive, so it’s a wash – all except for the fact that negative reviews tend to make you feel bad. So, I’m just fair about it – I don’t read any of them. No offense intended to reviewers out there. That’s just a little quirk of mine. However, what I am responding to HERE is a little different. While it’s still the opinions of a handful of individuals, said opinions were delivered directly to me via email and social networking sites, and they are so rude under the circumstances, that I feel compelled to make my feelings known.

    So, here you go…

    On Sunday last – that being December 12, 2010, I made an announcement. I was, to say the least, pretty damned excited about it. You see, I had an idea. Not only could I do a little marketing, but I could give a gift to all of my loyal fans. I could write a holiday-themed, paranormal suspense thriller novella, and just give it away.

    Yeah. Free. No cost. FREE.

    To do that and not go broke, of course, it would have to be an e-book. Trust me, the publisher is in this to make money – and so am I. But I convinced them that the benefit of giving away the e-book as a marketing tool would be worth the investment they were making in my work, the piece itself, and all of the things necessary to create said e-book. Not having an e-reader really isn’t an issue either. You can download free e-reader software from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc that allows you to use your PC. Or even your smartphone.

    But, just to be sure, we plan to make it available as a PDF and provide the option of reading it online as well.

    No biggie. Everyone is covered. Everyone who wants to read it, can read it.

    So, that’s what we did. I wrote it. I set aside everything else I had to do for a two week span and I wrote. Granted, I had fun writing it, but my schedule will now likely kill me because I have to do two weeks worth of stuff I neglected, all in a matter of 4 days. But, that’s MY problem.

    Now, another reason I had fun was NOT just because I have fun writing anyway, but because I was excited to GIVE something back to my fans this holiday season.

    So, on Sunday I announced it. Just like I announce any of my book releases.

    And, you know what?

    For every ONE “Yay, I can’t wait” email I have received, (which is NOT the reason I did this, mind you) I have also received THREE “I don’t want that, I want a hardcopy” or “E-books suck” or “I don’t do e-books” and even “Why can’t you just send me a free paperback?”

    Not a very heartening ratio…

    There were others, equally pissy and rude. (Receiving THESE types of comments was also NOT the reason I did this, as you can imagine.)

    And then there is also my personal favorite, “Oh, I thought it was a REAL book.”

    In all honesty I had convinced myself to not say anything. To simply let this slide and forget about it. But the “Real Book” comment was the last straw.

    So… If you are one of the folks who sent me a nice email, and are excited about the release of Merrie Axemas, thank you. Even if you didn’t send a note and are still excited about it, thank you. AND even if you don’t plan to read it, but had the presence of mind to NOT complain as if I owed you something, thank you.

    YOU are the reason I write for publication, and not just for myself…

    However… If you are one of the people who felt you had some sort of entitlement to open your mouth and complain, or say something insulting and rude about a FREE gift – one that you aren’t obligated in any way to accept  in the first place, and has no strings attached – Well… You’re welcome. Way to get into the spirit. Happy Freakin’ Holidays to you…

    I’m just sorry I don’t have a gift receipt to give you  so that you can return it.


    • I, for one, am super excited about Merrie Axemas! My nook is eagerly awaiting. I don’t know how I missed the announcement but this made my morning! I was momentarily frightened when I read a bit of myself in your former acquaintances description. I am one of those that don’t give ideas. I don’t *need* anything and it kind of bothers me to ask for some extravagance.

      That said- I love gift cards/certificates and I can’t recall ever returning anything that was given to me with the exception of something ill-fitting. Even then I didn’t let the person KNOW- I just exchanged for the proper size. To return it and let you know is just so RUDE. I can see why he is a former acquaintance.

      On the subject of rude- anyone who had the…nerve…to complain about the gift of an e-book that you have taken time out of your life to write- well, they are just not worthy of receiving it. Too bad you can’t summarily block the ingrates!

      • Thanks, Jules…

        I know I have some utterly amazing fans out there, and I <3 you all... I guess I shouldn't have let the dozen or so wingnuts get to me, but I just have a really hard time with people being jackasses about something they are being given for free. I mean, we've all received gifts we didn't really want, but to be ill mannered about it is really unnecessary.

        And, if said folks don't want the e-book, they don't have to download or read it. Nobody is twisting their arm. But it's not like I "owe them" something else... Of course, the "Real Book" comment truly set me off. I understand the love affair with books printed on paper, with covers, etc. I'm one of those folks myself. But the format in which the written word is delivered does NOT invalidate it as a book. Times are changing and e-books are here to stay. I don't believe they will completely replace print in my lifetime, but they are a great medium. Besides, without it, nobody would be getting this particular novella for free, that's for sure. LOL!

        Thanks for the good words... A pick me up in the morning is always nice. 😉

    • To you I say: Thank you. I know enough authors to know that 2 weeks of your time, along with your imagination and skill is priceless.

      To those who want to set terms for something they are being given gratis: Way to go. Greed will get you lots of things, none of them positive.

      To those who think an e-book isn’t a “real” book, think again. They are real, and they are here to stay. I imagine your feelings were shared by those who didn’t care for the switch from scrolls to books as we know them.

    • I just wanted to say that I for one think that the idea of creating the e-book was great! It does several things for you, including the expanding the fanbase to those (like myself) who don’t have much physical room to store physical books, but have tons of digital space (and keeps us from destroying them when we deploy too).

      And no, e-books will never replace physical books–it just feels right to have and read a tangible object at times. On top of that, you don’t owe us, we owe you. You take the time to write these great works of art and fiction, then someone dare say it’s not good enough for them to be able to download a free copy of art? That’s just wrong.

    • Murv,
      I am one of the book in my hands loving people, however I am so looking forward to this wonderful and generous gift you are giving to all of us! I am starving for your next book and this will be like a delicious appetizer to hold me over until the main course comes!
      Perhaps I’ll just have you sign my laptop…….LOL!
      Thank you! Thank you!

    • As a long time fan of your books, I say Thank You. Anyone who isn’t grateful to you taking time out of your busy schedule to create something free for your fans doesn’t deserve you. I personally can’t wait to read it.

      I am one who prefers “real” books but I also broke down and got an e-reader. So now I have the opportunity to supply my reading addiction in 2 forms, real and digital. It’s a win-win for me is the way I look at it.

      Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!

    • Murv the response I would give the whiners is “If you don’t like it you can’t have any.”
      Another symptom of the entitlement mindset that has become an epidemic in the US.
      Since your making it available as a PDF hasn’t it occurred to anyone that they could print out their own copy? That’s assuming your making it public domain….

    • Personally, I think you should hand-write and fully illuminate the next book. See the binding by hand, emboss the cover, etc., etc., etc…

      Think that’s gonna please these yahoos?

    • Oof, this is one of those times when I just shake my head and silently ask “WTF is wrong with people”? I think communication over the net grants a certain sense of being able to say anything that comes to mind but honestly. Someone gives you a gift you say “thank you”. I for one am thrilled about this gift as well as appreciative and can’t wait to get my mitts on it.

    • Murv, I honestly missed the notice of release of your gift. I myself have had illness and work so am actually behind on your blog. Now with that said… I appreciate the gift of your time, energy, creativity etc…. Thank you I will see if I can find a link and download it to my computer asap.

      Happy Holidays

      And you know where the negative can go..


      • No worries.

        The link will be posted on December 22… Well, probably before, but it won’t go live until then (or so I understand)…

        However, since you are a reviewer, I can probably get you an advance copy in PDF or some such. Toss me an email if interested…

    • always interested amcgbb@gmail.com. will send that to you via email as well. BTW (you don’t even have to read the review) LOL

    • Like I said on your announcement…. I don’t like reading things in digital format… but for you, I’d do it…. I do have a few ereader apps on my phone, so most likely I’ll be reading it on that… I can’t believe people would complain…

    • I’m like Caterina, I love my book in hand. I don’t have an e-reader, but I do have a computer AND a printer AND a couple of staplers! 😉 So thank you for your generous gift of imagination and time. I will enjoy it and yes, it will tide me over till your next book.

      As to those who complained..they don’t even deserve a gift card! How rude! How could anyone expect you (and your publisher) to give away a printed book? The very fact that you’re giving away this e-book is something I’ve never heard of before. Ignore those idiots.

    • i did not know that it was being offered to us, your fans for free. yes i complained. i complained mainly because i thought it was ONLY being offered as an e-book, and that i would then have to buy a reader etc. i did not realize it was a GIFT!

      so, i will remove my foot from my mouth, download an e-reader, and enjoy this wonderful gift from the mind of a talented writer.

      again my heartfelt sorrow at rejecting this gift.

      • You were but one among several, unfortunately. I thought I’d made it clear in the blog post that it was free, and a gift, but perhaps I didn’t. At any rate, no harm done betwixt us. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

    • lol” no harm done” ~ sorry, cant help myself. whenever someone uses your titles i get silly!

    • yes i know its not the title, but like calls to like! not enough sleep getting really slap happy.

    • Murv, you know you have my heartfelt gratitude, not just for the gift of a free novella, but for writing books that I can buy! Buy for me, buy for my family, buy for my friends. Buy all over again for my new iPad.

      And you are such a nice, polite person, you would not say this, but I will say it for you.

      For all you complainers looking a Gift Murv in the Mouth: Go pound sand. Go pee up a rope. Then go f*ck yourselves while you’re at it. Yeah, not very polite. Not very nice. But you asked for it by being shitty to my friend.

      And then go and BUY a book on manners and READ it.

    • Darling Murv…..I am so excited about all your books…and I am thankful for your blogs as they keep me entertained and on some days sane………….well for a few minutes. I can not wait to read Merry Axemas, and plan to do that reading on the road trip to New Orleans we are taking for the holidays. You Rock! and anyone who complains is just looking for something to bitch about….there is no pleasing some people………. Thank you for all you do, for your public and for me……….Blessed Yule

    • I was one who…didn’t comment at all. I didn’t have time when i read the announcement.

      but now that i have the time…I LOVE the idea! and yes, i’m lazy so i’m waiting for the PDF. i have no e reader.

      i might print it out…i might be even too lazy for that.

      but i definitely appreciate the gift, and am looking forward to it.

      yes, i normally prefer the feel of a good book that i can curl up with, and even fall asleep with. But i also live in the real world where printing books costs a sh*tload of money, so if you want to give a gift, unless you’re like jk rowling rich, it has to be done in an online format.

      i wonder if a lot of these complainers think that authors who haven’t had their works converted into blockbuster movies are actually extremely wealthy and within the income range to fund a small war, much less send out free paperbacks.

      anyway can’t wait to get that ebook in my hands. thank you o flinger of words! and merry whatever holiday you choose to celebrate.

    • Just tell them that if they want a “REAL” book then they can PAY for the publishing costs!! That attitude of entitlement is the reason that every year I feel like more and more of a Grinch! I, for one, am thrilled that you are offering us a holiday goodie and will take it in any format that you wish to convey it! Thank you for gifting us with your creativity…I would have gladly paid for it!

    • Not been up to much commenting or emailing lately. Grieving and such. I saw your post, tho and thought it was a cool thing. I understood completely. Don’t have an ereader either, but do have a little app on my iPhone. Misunderstandings aside, the world is full of jerks and, as I have said before, You can’t fix stupid.

    • We’re thinking we’ll drive up Sunday after Christmas. Might make a day trip next week as well.

    • Remember the words of my coworker, Naisha, the young, beautiful woman housing a wise soul: “It’s not MY problem.”

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