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  • Is This The End?


    With a title like that to start this off I can imagine you might be thinking, “Oh no, not another End Of Days blog. Has Sellars bought into the whole end of the world prophecy nonsense all because of a earthquake?”

    Come on… You know me better than that.

    However, could we be talking about the end of something else? Because of the changes in tech, newspapers are folding everywhere, and I don’t mean just so they can be laid upon a table. Columnists are penning their farewell letters for page 7D – or 2A, 6F, ad nauseum – as they retire, or go in search of different outlets for their creativity. In some cases though I have to wonder if it is more that they have just run out of things to say.

    I’ve been blogging, twice weekly, here on Brainpan Leakage for several years now. It began sporadically, often times just being announcements about where I would be on book tours or something of that sort. Then it grew into a public debriefing about the places I’d been on said travels. Before long it turned into a regular “column,” so to speak. A venting of my woes, a story from my past, a story from my future – those were always the hardest to write. And yes, an occasional blip about where I would be, where I had been, or special sale on books about which I had been made aware.

    But now, sitting here this morning, I have to wonder… Is this the end? Blogging takes work. It takes energy. It takes time. Over the years I cannot say that I have been able to measure any appreciable gain in book sales because of my blogging, so what does it get me? I haven’t received any awards (the kind with cash prizes attached, I mean). No movie deals… No television deals… Not even a bag of Cheezy Poofs or Snacky Cakes…

    Moreover, sex certainly has not been any better because of it (of course, that’s a whole ‘nother blog, and by that, I don’t mean blog entry, I mean whole ‘nother blog and it would definitely be NSFW, but I digress…)

    So with all of that in mind, why go on? Perhaps it is time time to plug the leak and skulk back off into the sunset… Maybe, just maybe, I’ve said all I’ve had to say. Perhaps there’s nothing left in my noggin’ that is funny, poignant, or even blog worthy.

    Or… I suppose it could just be that I have a really wicked sinus headache this morning…

    More to come…




    • I hope it is just the headache and not truly the end. I really enjoy the reads but if it is – thank you for the fun and especially the quotes.
      Hugs and sparkles

    • Ohhhhhh thank heavens!!! Don’t ever please! I need the chuckles!
      Hugs and sparkles

    • I think you should only continue if you enjoy writing your blog. Writing, in any form – be it books or blogs – is an impassioned form of expression. At least, imho.

      I always enjoy your posts. They are generally entertaining and frequently, ridiculously funny. Plus, I think writing it probably helps to you to express ideas that don’t necessarily fit into the story lines of the fiction you write.

      I hope you decide to continue, but only if it gives you pleasure to keep on posting your thoughts to share with the rest of us.

    • I know you have responded to the “I hope it’s just a headache” that I was going to say but Please don’t stop blogging! I truly enjoy everything you write! It makes me laugh when I am at work with the “unpleasant one”! Sometimes it is what gets me through 6 massages with a smile instead of tears.

      You Rock! (yeah I know silly and a bit childish) but true!

      Have an awesome day!

    • You are just too damned good at making my heart skip a beat in panic. Kudos, sir. You had best not go anywhere!

      • Ahh, you got the joke. You get meatloaf. 😉

        • See, now, I don’t know whether or not to believe you again…

          • ROFL! Yeah, I know. We have to clear some scheds so we can all get together and nom. Sometime during the week of 21-25 I’ll be getting very little writing done since the o-spring will be on break. The Chunkster is planning on coming over around lunch one day so we can hit the Chinese Buffet down the street. Not meatloaf, but a decent buffet… Interested? Maybe we can coordinate.

            • School starts up that week, and my paycheck disappears that week to (I’m not paid for breaks). I’m off Sundays through Tuesdays, though–unless they change my schedule. Again.

    • Yes, it takes time to blog. Yes , it takes time to read a blog as well. If you have a regular followingm then you are getting your voice out there
      I recently referred you as a speaker to Nashville main library . I gave them your blog to read. Will anything come of it? Dunno .

      But Rowan isn’t Christian – and for many that puts them in a Sir Dennis Wheatley mindset. To so many , non Christian means Satanist. In 2011, not even the Satanists qualify as evil enough to be called Satanists.
      Give the general public a chance – it took them over 2000 years to get this far.

      Point is , you don’t know who is looking.

    • So I get that you have a headache, but methinks within this blog is a shred of truth. I’ve noticed that you feel compelled to keep to a twice-weekly schedule for your blog.

      I agree with Star – blog when you feel so inclined, impassioned, or just want to let us know where you’ll be signing books. Don’t feel obligated to post twice a week because that’s your schedule! You should blog when you want to, and when you aren’t so inclined… well, we’ll be the poorer for it, but better you should love what you’re doing than resent it. Yes?

    • Murv – I’d send you a case Cheezy Poofs and Snacky Cakes but I’m afraid EK would kick my a** or worse …! Big hugs!

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