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  • Cat Crash Fever…


    We’re about to have a problem… A BIG one. As in, Cat on a Stick.

    As most of you know, we tend to rescue animals. Cats, in particular. Now, while we haven’t been taking any in for several years now, we recently ended up in a situation where we DID take in a half-drowned, flea-bitten, six-week old, somewhat feral kitten rescued from a highway post flash-flood.

    E K and I wanted to call him ARK (Almost Road Kill) because the person who picked him up actually saw him nearly get hit by a car. When I say nearly, I mean the kitten was literally pummeled by the rush of air from the vehicle’s tires as it screamed by on the highway. In fact, the person picking him up thought that he actually HAD been hit. As it turned out, he hadn’t. Good thing too, because there wasn’t much of him there to hit… As it turns out, the o-spring sort of adopted him for her own, so she named him Tiger. Me, I just call him “Nachos El Tigre” or, more recently, “You #$@@^&* SH*THEAD!”

    Why? Because the little bastage has taken to playing under my desk. Now, it’s already bad enough that I’m getting kitten needle claws stuck in my legs, but that’s not the BIG issue. The BIG issue is that he has discovered the cords on the back of my computer.


    Actual pic of Sh*thead "killing" the feather on a stick...

    And he plays with them…

    And he unplugs them…

    Or he jumps up and down on the UPS until he lands on the button…

    Know what happens?

    My system shuts down. Unceremoniously. Without warning. WITH extreme prejudice. Killing and corrupting files that I have open.

    Fortunately, he hasn’t destroyed a manuscript yet. Besides, I keep those backed up all over the place so we should be safe.

    But I’m here to tell you, if the little sh*t messes up any of my “pR0N”, he’s toast… Just kidding. I back that up too… 😉

    More to come…



    • Bitter Apple spray is a beautiful thing. The first thing my Gir did when he was a kitten was ate through my cell phone charger. Bitter Apple spray kept that from happening again. Of course, if he likes the taste, you’re on your own, but it might deter him from playing with the cords.

    • Aren’t they cute at that age? 😉

    • I will repeat this for those of you who have never heard it:

      Satan and Jesus wanted to hold a contest to see who could do something better.
      God was to pick the contest and judge the winner.
      God chose programming.
      Satan and Jesus were coding their butts off, neck and neck, so God decided to throw a monkey wrench into it. he killed the power, both cursed and hit the machines. then God restored the power. Jesus continued to code as soon as his system came up, while Satan stared at the blank screen, the moral of the story? Jesus Saves…

    • Does he try to litterally eat your toes while you are sleeping?

    • Almost Road Kill would be ARK, which might also be appropos given the flood origin. Pugsley mostly walks on my keyboard while I’m working. She has play with cords on occasion but she doesn’t seem obsessed with it. When Alice is in the mood she just comes right on up and lays down on my keyboard. Dexter, being a dog and dutiful son just lays at my feet.

    • I have a friend (also a writer) who has one cat that attacks his computers. Periodically, the cat goes nuts and attacks the keyboard, pulling off keys and chewing them to bits. He also attacked and completely destroyed a laptop. Seriously, Jason had to buy a new laptop and said the guy at the computer store couldn’t believe a mere cat could do that kind of damage. But he did. My theory is that the cat forgets his password and then has a temper tantrum!

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