" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Day-Jah-Voooooo…
  • Day-Jah-Voooooo…


    If you have been a regular reader of my original blog on Myspace, also named Brainpan Leakage (hmmmm…does anyone else sense a pattern there?) then you have most likely already seen the handful of entries I have made here today. For those of you who have not been following it, while these entries may be new to you, I am sure you are wondering why they refer to Myspace as if this blog were actually ON Myspace.

    Well, that would be why.

    I don’t intend to sanitize them, because, well, it would take too damn much time. Besides, my Myspace site will live on. Otherwise, Wendy (my publicist) will probably kick my ass. And, well, we don’t want that. She’s pretty mean, just like my wife, and the last thing I need is both of them working me over. Fact is, they’d probably team up and enjoy it wayyyyyy too much. But, there I am doing that digressing thing again…

    So, back on topic, no sanitizing as far as the blogs go… I am, however, going to go through the few entries I have dragged over here and fix the annoying little Myspace induced glitch with the links. I have already taken care of the first entry, and plan to have the others fixed in the next little bit. If you run across a link that still isn’t working, feel free to let me know.

    More to come…


    • Wow no editing!!!

      What are you going to tell us!!!

      I hope it is something in a box with a fox on the rox’s or in a boat a in moat with a goat… or in a ditch with a witch who is about to b$!%&…

      or as Tasialue put it “Write damn you!!! Write!!!… or was that Johnny?

      I cannot remember but hey I see I link and follow it for better or for worse!

    • So from what I understand your old blog isn’t going anywhere. It is good to have a non MySpace blog that anyone can read. Some people have a MySpace aversion.

    • You’re gonna love WP. I’ve switched pretty much all my stuff over to WP.

      You need a theme though. Kubrick is… kubrick. 😉 You want I should fiddle, send ya something?

    • That was me. And as far as I can see, he ain’t writin’, he’s copyin’ and pastin’.

      Get to work, Writer Boy! 😉

      (Love ya, sugar! Mike’s still whining about missing Yule dinner, btw. We may have to remedy that before long.)

    • Jodi-

      Actually, I’ve been farting about with Themes… I am going to download a few more and try them on for size, then probably end up modifying some CSS or something if I can’t find something I like…

      Stay tuned. It’ll get prettied up, eventually. 🙂


      Yes, we DO need to do something about that. I felt really bad about y’all missing out on the dinner proper.


      Kinda. See the latest blog post over there (and here)…


      Yeah, look ma, no editing! CRASH!


    • Why on earth do YOU feel bad about it? I was the one who….

      ANYWAY, let us know when we can have a li’l baby Murvmoot. We’ll bring whatever you like.

      • Ummm…Probably because, as usual you two not only brought goodies for the dinner (those rolls were friggin FANTASTIC btw), but also dropped cash in the kitty… well, in EK’s hand… well, I guess kitty works there doesn’t it? Either way, my point being, y’all contributed but only 1/3 of you (Seitz) got to really enjoy the dinner.

        I’ll shoot you an email when we can work something out – ya’know, we usually get together with the Chunkman and the Minton clan (Johnathan, Sherry, and Hayden) sometime during February to celebrate Chunk and my birthdays… We normally do stir fry and sushi here at the abode. If y’all think you might be up for that I’ll let you know the details as soon as we pin them down…



      Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

      What we got here is failure to communicate…

      Sorry too much Animal House flashing over with some Cool Hand Luke?

      Let us know when?

    • I. Love. This. Theme! It’s so you – right down to the pic in the banner. 😉

    • Ya know, I don’t know how Mikey feels about sushi, but I’ve never had it and am willing to go all out crazy and try anything.

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