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  • Raiders of the Lost Fart…


    …Or, Up The Down Bung Hole.

     This is a repost from my Facebook Notes of January 10, 2012

    Unless you have been under a rock, or simply ignoring me, you are well aware that I underwent a 50K Exhaust System Check this past Monday (01/09), complete with the Prep the day before. I wasn’t shy about it – I updated, tweeted, and otherwise joked about the process from beginning to end – pun not intended – for a couple of reasons.

    1. To find the humor in it and keep myself from being completely miserable. If you’ve ever undergone the Colon Blow Prep for such a procedure, you are well aware of what I mean by that.
    2. To do my part in raising a little awareness about the importance of checkups and recommended tests. While I know there are folks out there who are not convinced a colonoscopy is really necessary – and that’s all good if that is their choice – I am one of those who comes down on the side of preventive care (see there, Lootachack, I can use “proper aingleesh werdz”.)

    And so…

    Many of you have been asking about the results. What were they? When do I get them? Etc… I have jokingly stated that the results were “NO POOP FOUND.” While this is true, it certainly isn’t the actual data. Honestly, I hadn’t intended to disclose my results. It’s sort of a private thing, right? Well… I guess the whole colon blow experience was, too, but I tweeted about that. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I owe the actual results to the masses…

    However, after thinking about this once I came down off the lovely anesthetic – that took until this morning, BTW – I have come to a conclusion. While I am not going to disclose the details of the findings to you, I am going to make the following statement:

    Having the colonoscopy was probably one of the most important and best things I have done for my health in recent years. Yes… Something was found that wasn’t supposed to be there and it is being addressed.

    It is nothing for anyone to worry over, however, left unchecked it certainly could have turned into something very, very bad. Therefore, I will be having another colonoscopy in three years instead of ten. I’m not looking forward to another “colon blow” day coming quite that soon, but under the circumstances, I will gladly accept it.

    I am not going to make an impassioned plea urging you to go have a colonoscopy. That is your choice. However, I’m here to tell you that I am damned glad I did.


    PS. Feel free to share this around…

    • Kudos to you for getting your screening scope done and sharing your journey. It isn’t a fun process, but you made it as fun and funny as it could possibly be, and hopefully educated a few along the way.

    • Thank You for sharing, and wishing you good health. I will be having the Hubby read this.


    • Glad the thing that’s not suppose to be there was found and evicted. Another system check in three years isn’t as good as 10 years, but better than six months!

    • Do I sound selfish when I say thank you for crapping your brains out so that the unwelcome guest in your butt can be taken care of so we have more years of Murv, his humor, and his really amazing mind? Deal with it. :-þ~

    • They found polyps when they did mine and they turned out to be benign. After a lot of poking around and surgery and such. Now, as far as your unwelcome guest, I told you not to eat those shady eggs whole and uncooked. But nooooo, you thought they’d taste like jellybeans. So will the guest be studdied at Area 51 or put on display at the zoo?

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