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  • I’ve Fallen And I Got Back Up…


    Yes, I know, I never finished the series about falling off the roof and having to be put back together with screws. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. It was good therapy for me at the time, but I’ve moved on from that and haven’t had many flashbacks about failing ladders and plummets onto asphalt for quite some time. I suspect I will have some here and there, but other than the physical pains that come with being screwed together and having arthritis set in due to the impact damage, I’m pretty good.

    So, as I said, maybe I will revisit those entries to flesh out the story for y’all, and maybe I won’t. Time will tell.

    For now, I am going to revive my blog with random thoughts, maybe some more satire, and hey, just me talking about shit, because isn’t that what we all do anyway?

    More to come…

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