" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Words, Words, Words…
  • Words, Words, Words…


    You may notice a lack of photos on this blog.

    Yes, there used to be a lot of them.

    Why are they gone?

    Well, firstly, a Copyright Troll Scammer operation threatened to sue me in an attempt to extort a “settlement” over a low-res picture of head cheese that was obtained from a PD site – but was then copyrighted something like 7 years AFTER I used it. So, given that they – and other like them – run this sort of scam all the time, I removed ALL photos from this site so that I could sift through and reinstall only those that I had taken myself. Why? Because these scammers have a rich and intense history of threatening lawsuits over pictures that were in the PD and then suddenly aren’t, so even having a license to use a pic from a site doesn’t necessarily matter.

    For the record, as noted they are scammers, so it is what it is, but that is why the pics disappeared.

    But, why have the ones that definitely belong to me not been reinstalled?

    Well, the recent malware infection that destroyed a lot of stuff is the reason for that. I wasn’t able to recover the folder. That said, I still have the pics around here, so I have to rescan and put them back individually. I may well do that for select posts in the future.

    There you have it. For now, just words, words, words…

    More to come…

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